Exploring New Topics

This week has primarily consisted of doing background research into a few different topics that I’ve been interested in pursuing as a research project. I'm gathering information about the cross-over between technology and archaeology, as well as experimental archaeology. There are many types of technology that have become crucial parts of the archaeological process such as 3D modeling, LiDAR, VR, and machine learning. Something that I have been reading about that was previously unknown to me is the use of robotics in the exploration of archaeological sites, such as the ROVINA project. There are so many applications of technology in this field and new stuff is always being developed; the integration of new tech is exceptional. I’ve also stumbled upon a few research papers using mathematical modeling for various situations, for example, the spreading of the wool-bearing sheep in a population of herders in the Near East and Southeast Europe between 6200 and 4200 BC. There's a lot to unpack with the plethora of information regarding the implementation of the multiple technologies used. 

That’s only one of the areas I've been reading about; I’m still looking into the experimental archaeology topics I explored at the beginning of last semester. I’ve mostly just been reading other research papers regarding what others have done. One particularly interesting paper I was reading was investigating the use of shark teeth as tools to identify important microwear distinctions. 

I’m not 100% certain that my research question will pertain to one of these areas just yet; I’m still waiting for a few emails from various professors to get their perspectives and advice before I solidify my plans. Overall, I’ve just been enjoying the process of reading new material and exploring these topics as potential ideas to conduct further research on.

(via: https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/tech-changing-archaeology/)

Azar, M. (2020, October 14). Modern technology, ancient past: 3D modeling in

     archaeology. Retrieved February 18, 2021, from



Conrad, N. D., Furstenau, D., Grabundžija, A., Helfmann, L., Park, M., &

     Schier, W. (2018). Mathematical modeling of the spreading of innovations in

     the ancient world. eTopoi Journal for Ancient Studies, 7. 

Gilson, S.-P., St-Pierre, C. G., Lominy, M., & Lessa, A. (2021). Shark teeth

     used as tools: An experimental archaeology study. Journal of Archaeological

     Science:, 35. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102733. 

Holden, C. (2020, January 18). An archaeological introduction to coding in

     python. Retrieved February 18, 2021, from https://blogs.iu.edu/sciu/

